
Meeting Dates

Future meetings of Llanwern Community Council will be held on the following days, commencing at 7 pm at Llanwern Village Hall:

Monday 29th July 2024

no meeting in August

Monday 30th September 2024

Monday 28th October 2024

Monday 25th November 2024

Monday 16th December 2024

Community Council meetings are public meetings and anyone can attend. If you wish to attend remotely, please use the link on the Agenda for that meeting, please advise the Clerk by 12 noon on the day of the meeting that you will be attending. Alternatively contact the Clerk, clerk@llanwernvillage.org.uk for the joining instructions by 12 noon on the day of the meeting.

You are also welcome to attend in person at the Village Hall, Llanwern, NP18 2DW. Meetings usually start at 7pm, although please check the Agenda for that meeting.

Members of the public will be allowed to speak only during the public participation session (15 minutes) or at the invitation of the Chair. Please advise the Clerk in advance if you wish to speak on any item.

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